Men shit det kommer vara jag!

Du sa för alltid fast du visste att det rdan var slut~

Fan vart tog vi vägen?

“I want you. All the time. No one else.”



“It still hurts at three a.m.”

I hope Karma slaps you in the face before I do

Du sa rädslan den går över, men oron stannar kvar.



If I punch myself and it hurts, am I too weak or too strong?

Holy fuck this messed me up

Men vafan jag älskar dig ju!

I saw that you were perfect, and so I loved you. Then I saw that you not perfect, and so I loved you even more.

Du är så jävla falsk, jag får dille"

I’m not going to be the girl you marry, but I’ll be the girl you’ll be thinking of 20 years from now while you engage in polite sex with your boring wife who fakes her orgasm to make you feel better about your receding hairline.


''I want to call you and ask you

if you remember the first time we

kissed and how you sighed and smiled

and told me I tasted like coffee and

the entire galaxy

I want to ask you if you remember

the first night we spent together

and how we barely touched each

other but you pushed my hair out of

my eyes and told me you loved me

and suddenly we were the world 

I want to ask you if you remember 

the sound of my voice and that 

time it rained so hard that our

tears washed away and you held

me so tightly I think we melted 

into each other

I want to call you and ask you if

you still love me

but I can’t remember your phone


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